About Me

Hello friends,
My name is Jenna and I'm the hand and heart behind Musings from the Moon. I live in Victoria, Australia with my partner and two little boys. Here you will find prose and illustrations that explore all things magical and self-loving.
My love for drawing and words began to unravel in my journal in my early twenties – a time when I felt completely lost and confused, and nothing outside of me seemed to soothe my restlessness. I became drawn to discovering everything I could about my spiritual nature and felt a strong connection with the moon and stars. I remember looking at the moon and suddenly all of my worries became insignificant when I opened my eyes to the vastness of the sky and the universe. The moon soothed all of the noise and for me, it felt like home.
I got really tired of trying to "figure things out" in my head and instead started surrendering and feeling into my body and the present moment without the need to be anywhere else. From that place, little pieces of prose and illustrations started to flow out of me to describe that experience of presence, love, oneness and freedom. Writing and drawing has been my way of expressing the mysteries of my inner world and through the aches, has shown me more magical moments than I could ever have imagined.
I create to inspire self-acceptance, an open heart, spiritual awakening and the awareness of our inner magic. I hope that my work reminds you to soften, to lay down all that hurts you and to feel your completeness.

Getting to know me...
My biggest values:
Trust, Spiritual Connection, Relationships, Creativity, Fun!
My favourite Affirmations right now:
Everything that I am searching for, is in this moment.
I allow life to flow through me…
I am free.
My favourite Daily Rituals:
Journaling to consciously choose how I want to perceive and experience my life.
Meditation. I sit and notice my thoughts doing their dance, how they move and change, go back and forth or try to take me with them... which then loosens their grip and reminds me that I am much more than this character I play. Meditation is often challenging, but the more I practice, the more natural it becomes.
My favourite book:
The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.
My biggest challenge right now:
Diving deeper into surrender and following to my intuition as a mum.
Making time for me.
Other Fun Facts:
- I have a big Italian family that I adore! They all live in Italy near Napoli.
- My mum owned a musical theatre company when I was growing up, so the rehearsal room was our playground.
- When I was young, I used to day-dream about being a singer or actress. Then a filmmaker, then chef, a travel photographer, a masseuse, a dancer, an art teacher. The list was endless!
- I completed my Yoga Teacher Training four years ago.
- I love love love Italian and Japanese food.
- I first started writing in a journal when I was 7 and I still have it. There are some very cute attempts at life-drawing in there and a life plan that I am yet to scratch the surface on!
Thank you for exploring my art and taking the time to get to know me :)
I hope to connect with you soon,